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International verification of discharge and environmental monitoring activities at Paks NPP


Verification of the discharge and environmental monitoring activities of MVM Paks NPP Ltd. (PA Zrt.) was carried out between 2-5 April 2019 in Hungary by experts of Nuclear Energy Directorate of Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.

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Quadrilateral meeting in Slovenia


With the participation of the Czech, Hungarian, Slovak and Slovenian nuclear authorities, the usual annual quadrilateral meeting was held in Ptuj, Slovenia, on 3-4 April. The Hungarian delegation was led by Mr Szabolcs Hullán, Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.

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IAEA Technical Cooperation Europe Regional Workshop at the HAEA


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority hosted the TC Europe Regional Workshop of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Safety Culture from 29 to 30 March, 2019. The participants of the event focused on the different aspects of the Management, Leadership and Culture for Radiation Safety (how to set up, develop and integrate it with other management systems such as the quality management system and labour safety system).

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Belorussian experts visit the HAEA


Between 25-29 March, 2019, four experts of the Belorussian nuclear regulatory body visited the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority; two of them received information about the practical experiences of regulatory inspections and the nuclear safety regime of Hungary, the other two experts listened to presentations about the safety culture, the human resource management and the quality management systems of HAEA.

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Serbian delegation visits the HAEA


The delegation of the Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, led by its chairman, Mr Sladjan Velinov, paid a visit to Hungary from 25 to 27 March, 2019 and was received by Mr Szabolcs Hullán, Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority. The main topics of the discussion included the radioactive waste management policy and programme.

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