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The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority held the ENSRA annual meeting and seminar


The European Nuclear Security Regulators' Association (ENSRA), decided on cooperation with the Western European Nuclear Regulators’ Association (WENRA) on the annual meeting, held between 30th September and 2nd October, and approved the new website, created under the Hungarian chairmanship, to be public.

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Regulatory Assessment of Hungarian Nuclear Facilities and Radioactive Waste Repositories in 2014


The assessment of activities of the nuclear facilities – beside the licensing and inspection tasks – belongs to the most important elements of regulatory oversight. One of the main duties of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority is to guarantee nuclear safety, prevent the occurrence of nuclear accidents within the framework of the law and using the resources that the Hungarian citizens provide through their elected representatives. The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, as part of its nuclear safety oversight activity, annually evaluates the safety performance of the nuclear facilities and the safety level of the nuclear facilities’ activity. The abstract of the report is available on HAEA’s website.

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Summary Report of ENSREG conference is available


The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group held its third conference in Brussels on 29 and 30 June 2015. Video recordings and the summary report of the conference are available on their website.

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Joint Press Conference of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority and the International Atomic Energy Agency about the IRRS Mission


The Joint Press Conference of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority and the International Atomic Energy Authority about the outcome of the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Mission on the Hungarian nuclear regulatory infrastructure for safety and security attracted significant media interest.

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The International Atomic Energy Agency’s Press Release about the IRRS Mission


The International Atomic Energy Agency and the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority held a joint press conference, and submitted a press release.

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