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The CNPP 2018 Edition has been published


The Country Nuclear Power Profile is yearly updated by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the latest 2018 edition has been released in September.

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The IRRS Follow-up Mission has started


The professional team, set up by the International Atomic Energy Agency, will review during the one-week mission to what extent the recommendations and suggestions of the previous IRRS Mission of 2015, reviewing the full regulatory framework, have been met and applied.

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Visit of Chinese Delegation in the HAEA


On September 12, 2018, a delegation from the China Atomic Energy Authority – led by Mr, WANG Yiren, Vice Chairman of the CAEA, visited the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority. The delegation was received by Mr. Szabolcs Hullán, the Deputy Director General of the HAEA. They had a consultation about the nuclear industry in China and Hungary: regulations and organization of nuclear safety and security and the possible collaborations in the field of nuclear regulations in both countries.

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62nd IAEA General Conference


Representatives from the IAEA’s Member States convene at the 62nd IAEA General Conference in Vienna, Austria to discuss key elements of the Agency’s priorities in its work on the peaceful use of nuclear technologies.

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Visit of the Finnish Delegation


On 10-11 September the delegation of the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) visited the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority. Hungarian and Finnish experts have met for the sixth time to share their licensing and supervisory experiences.

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