The new issue of HAEA’s Nuclear Safety Bulletin presenting a number of interesting articles is now available. In the new issue, you can read about the most significant statistical data on nuclear safety and the recent legislative changes in Hungary. HAEA provides detailed information on the regulatory licensing and supervision activity of the Authority related to the construction of the new units, on the operating experiences with the test SLIM fuel assemblies at Paks Nuclear Power Plant, and about the impact of the pandemic situation on the operation of Hungarian nuclear facilities. In the new issue, we also give an overview on international cooperation.
Due to the pandemic, the 26th Austrian-Hungarian bilateral meeting, postponed to 27 April 2021 instead of the autumn of 2020, was held in an unusual way, online, organized by the Austrian side. Instead of presenting them at the bilateral talks, the parties sent each other their presentations prior to the meeting. At the bilateral event, only questions, remarks and answers related to these were made.
Gyula Fichtinger, Director General of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, has resigned with effect from April 29, 2021. His resignation was accepted by the Prime Minister. His duties are performed by Szabolcs Hullán, Deputy Director General. The operation of the HAEA is continuous and uninterrupted.
The Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) held its spring Plenary Meeting online on 13-14 April 2021. Among others, WENRA’s role in the Thematic Peer Review (TPR) II was discussed, reports of working groups were approved and members decided not to widen the participation in WENRA to other observers.
The 141st meeting of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Steering Committee was held virtually on 15-16 April 2021. One of the main agenda items was the discussion about the program of work and budgets for the NEA and its Data Bank for 2021-2022. Due to the lack of consensus among member states, the proposed adjustment for 2022 will be further discussed at the next meeting.