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IAEA scientific visitors

IAEA scientific visitors at the HAEA


With the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency, based on the Hungarian Forensics Program, scientific visitors from Ghana, South Africa and Lebanon arrived to Hungary for a six week training course, which basically takes place at the Centre for Energy Research. The Centre has an expertise on that field recognized worldwide. The scientific visitors spent two days at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority to study the regulatory activities on the field of security (physical protection).

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Recent Developments in Nuclear Safety in Hungary, October 2019


The new issue of the HAEA’s Nuclear Safety Bulletin presenting a number of interesting articles is now available. In the new issue you can read about the most significant statistical data on nuclear safety and the recent legal changes in Hungary. The HAEA provides detailed information on the issued site survey framework programme licence for repository of the high level and long lived radioactive waste in Hungary, on the implemented safety enhancement actions of the PSR in Paks NPP in the second half of 2019.

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VVER Working Group meeting

VVER Reactor Physics Working Group meeting at the HAEA


VVER Regulatory Forum Working Group on Reactor Physics Analysis meeting was held at the HAEA between 1-3 of October, 2019. This was the 7th working group meeting whose main topic was the evaluation of benchmark calculation proposals for VVER-1000 type reactors, to analyse the neutron physical behaviour of the reactor core.

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Field Test

Field Test of CTBTO experts in Hungary


The On-Site Inspection Directorate of The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in cooperation with the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority and the Geolog Ltd. conducted a Field Test near Bánk, at an abandoned clay pit between 11-20 September 2019.

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Hungary received the IAEA's Board of Governors membership


In September 2019, at the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency Hungary was elected as a member of the Board of Governors. It gives us the opportunity to directly and actively participate in the work of the IAEA at the highest level.

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