The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) to ensure regulatory cooperation on matters of nuclear safety. The MoU, which lasts for five years, will strengthen the relationship between the two regulators, supporting the protection of society with safe and secure nuclear operations.
The second Chain Bridge Forum was held on 28 February 2024 in London. The event was jointly organised by the Royal United Services Institute, and the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs. The Forum aims to foster bilateral relationship between Hungary and the UK and encourage dialogue on current issues of common interest between policy experts, industry representatives and decision makers.
The new issue of HAEA’s Nuclear Safety Bulletin presenting a number of interesting articles is now available. In the new issue, you can read about the most significant statistical data on nuclear safety, the legal changes of the first half of 2023, amendments to legislation related to the manufacturing and procurement of systems and components, the National Assessment Report of Hungary for TPR2, the nuclear emergency preparedness, the Paks II soil preparation works, the public hearing related to the Budapest Research Reactor of the Centre for Energy Research, the new type of compact waste packages which are delivered to the National Radioactive Waste Repository. We also give an overview on the most significant domestic and international events, such as the "About atomic energy - for everyone" event in Miskolc, the Nuclear safety challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Joint HAEA - US DOE cyber security workshop, the visit of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the new issue of the Bulletin, we also write about the 67th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
An important part of the TPR-II process (which concerns the topic of ‘fire protection at nuclear installations’) provides an opportunity for stakeholders including the public to participate and contribute to a written question and answer phase of the review. A special online questionnaire is open for the submission of questions on the topic of fire protection based on the contents of the national assessment reports until 9 February 2024.