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Press release The HAEA issued operation licence for uprated power of Unit 2 of the Paks NPP


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority issued the licence for the operation of unit 2 with uprated power on 23 June 2009. The power of unit 2 was uprated to 108% thus the nominal electrical capacity of the unit has reached 500 MW. Unit 4 has been operating with uprated power since September 2007 while unit 1 since September 2008.

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Press release of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority on the review of the lifetime-extension program of the Paks NPP


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) reviewed the program of the Paks NPP – submitted on 17 November 2008 – concerning the extension of its designed lifetime. According to the Nuclear Safety Regulations the preparation of the program is the preconsidition of the licensing of the operation beyond the designed lifetime. The enclosure of the program included several documentation to demonstrate either the suitability of the systems and system components for extended operation or the process of ensuring it.

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Decision in principle of the Hungarian Parliament on the construction of new NPP unit(s) at Paks


Members of the Hungarian Parliament approved a decision in principle - with 330 yes, 6 no and 10 abstention votes - that permits preparations for new unit(s) at the Paks NPP. According to the explanation to the resolution the preparations to the investment take at least 5 years, while the commissioning planning and implementation would require a minimum of six years thus the construction of a new nuclear unit will need 11 years at least. As the explanation states 73% of Hungarians support nuclear power generation in the country.

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On 27 November 2008 the Paks NPP holds its annual nuclear emergency response exercise together with the following public administration organs: - Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Emergency Response Organization (HAEA ERO), - Governmental Co-ordination Committee Operative Staff, - Governmental Co-ordination Committee Nuclear Emergency Response Working Group, - Governmental Co-ordination Committee Emergency Centre, - Tolna, Bács-Kiskun and Fejér County Defense Committees. The exercise is evaluated by centrally appointed evaluators.

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