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IAEA Workshop

Regional Workshop on Nuclear Security Culture in Practice in Budapest


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority hosted a Regional Workshop on Nuclear Security Culture in Practice that was held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Budapest, Hungary, from 18 to 20 February 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to provide a basic awareness and understanding of nuclear security culture to ensure effective nuclear security measures which are able to prevent and combat threats.

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IAEA mission

IPPAS Mission Report on the HAEA website


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority publishes a part of the IAEA mission report on the assessment of the Hungarian national physical protection regime of nuclear and other radioactive material and associated facilities and activities.

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Scientific Visit at the HAEA from 25 to 29 November


Scientific Visit was held from 25 to 29 November under the „Strengthening the Effectiveness of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Regulatory Authority by Increasing the Efficiency for Qualification of Specialists and Experts” IAEA project, at the HAEA’s Headquarters. The representatives of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Gosatomnadzor) Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus received information on the role of HAEA related to licensing, inspections, review and assessment in the fields of physical protection, safeguards and nuclear safety.

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“Bab Al Maghrib” Emergency Exercise Concludes after 26 hours


Over the past two days the tension was high in emergency operations centres in around 60 States and 10 international organizations participating in the “Bab Al Maghrib” exercise to test their response to simulated dirty bomb attacks. The simulated “explosions” took place in the port of Tangier Med and Marrakech medina in Morocco. They ‘triggered’ a number of serious implications: “actual” for few States, “potential” for some and “perceived” for many. Issues addressed during the exercise were connected to a radioactive release into the atmosphere, medical response and public health, security, transparent public communications, industry and tourism and commerce, in particular import and export of goods.

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Meeting on upgrades of the physical protection system of the radioactive sources


A meeting on the project of upgrades of the physical protection system of the radioactive sources was held on 12 September, 2013, initiated by the U.S. government. Since 2009 developments have been implemented by the U.S. Department of Energy in the frame of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) in Hungary.

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