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Recent Developments in Nuclear Safety in Hungary, October 2018


The new issue of the HAEA’s Nuclear Safety Bulletin presenting a number of interesting articles is now available. In the new issue you can read about the 2018 semi-annual safety performance assessment, the “Topical Peer Review” at Community level on the aging management of nuclear installations in Europe, the progress of the tasks after the Stress Test, as well as the Actions related to the ordering of the low water level of the Danube, etc.

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Nuclear Emergency Communication in International Focus


In the first week of October a symposium on Communicating Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies to the Public took place in Vienna, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency for the very first time in coordination with other international organizations (such as CTBTO, Red Cross, OECD NEA, Interpol, European Commission) with 400 participants and more than 70 presenters.

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IAEA press release about the IRRS Follow-up Mission: Significant Improvements in Hungary


On 1 October the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team concluded an eight-day follow-up mission to review Hungary’simplementation of recommendations and suggestions made during a 2015 visit. The IAEA Mission sees significant improvements in Hungary’s regulatory framework.

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IRRS Follow-up Mission: Interview with the mission team leader


Three years ago we interviewed Michael R. Johnson, team leader of the 2015 IRRS Mission. In this year’s follow-up mission, there is a smaller number of experts in the delegation and they have to finish their work in a shorter time. In one week, they have to review the present situation, conclude several interviews, and create the draft of the new report. Speaking about the new follow-up mission, we invited Mr Michael R. Johnson for an interview again to share some interesting details about the work they are here to perform.

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62nd IAEA General Conference has concluded in Vienna


At the 62nd General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Member States adopted the key decisions that could strengthen the IAEA's activities in the field of nuclear science and technology, nuclear safety and security and safeguards in the coming years. The General Conference offered once again the opportunity for the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority to hold a number of top-level bilateral meetings with representatives of the authorities with which a bilateral agreement or a memorandum of understanding is in force.

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