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International verification of discharge and environmental monitoring activities at Paks NPP


Verification of the discharge and environmental monitoring activities of MVM Paks NPP Ltd. (PA Zrt.) was carried out between 2-5 April 2019 in Hungary by experts of Nuclear Energy Directorate of Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.

During their visit, the surveillance activities of the competent authorities for environmental protection, food chain safety, public health and for nuclear energy supervision were also examined.

The verification was carried out on the base of the Euratom Treaty Article 35, accordingly to which the Committee have right of access to control facilities necessary for the permanent control of the level of radioactivity in the atmosphere, water and soil and for controlling compliance with the basic standards, and it may examine their operation and efficiency. The European Commission takes similar verifications in 3 to 4 member states per year.

The final report on the results of the verification is expected to be published in the second half of the year and will be published on the website of the European Commission.