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National Action Plan of Hungary


After the Fukushima accident, the Council of the European Union ordered to carry out a comprehensive safety reassessment of the NPPs in each of member states.

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Press release on the lifetime-extension of the Paks NPP


Taking into consideration complex technical and economic analysis, the General Assembly of the MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. (NPP) decided about the lifetime-extension of its units in January 2001...

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Comprehensive safety reassessment of the NPP, Paks, Hungary


After the Fukushima accident, the Council of the European Union decided to carry out a comprehensive safety reassessment of the NPPs in its member states. The official remark for the so-called “stress test” is “Targeted Safety Reassessment”.

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HAEA won the EC RESPEC project


In June 2012 the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission (EC) opened a tender on the RESPEC project (Radiological Emergency Support Project for the European Commission) for the period from 2013 to 2016.

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Lifetime extension licensing process of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant


After having performed complex technical and economical analysis, MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Plc. decided to start the lifetime extension licensing process. The programme of the process, after having been approved by the authority, have been executed under authority surveillance.

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