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Transport security workshop at HAEA


The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, together with the United States Department of Energy, organised a workshop in relation with the radioactive material transports security between 2nd and 5th May, at the HAEA headquarters.

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IAEA INSSP review mission in Hungary


The International Atomic Energy Agency’s Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) review mission was held in Hungary between 25th and 28th April 2022, with the participation of HAEA’s experts.

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OECD NEA working group meeting at the HAEA


A workshop and the spring meeting of the Working Group on Operating Experience of the Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD NEA) were held at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority from 25 to 28 April 2022, focusing on the programmes developed by Member States to utilize the operating experience of nuclear power plants.

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TPR II draft documents for public consultation on ENSREG website


Draft documents related to the EU TPR II (Topical Peer Review on fire protection at nuclear installations) process are now available on ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators’ Group) website for comments from stakeholders including the public. The consultation period is from 13 April until 27 May 2022. Final versions of the draft documents will be presented for approval by ENSREG in June 2022. Factsheets on TPRs are also published on ENSREG website.

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WENRA Spring Plenary Meeting


The Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) held its Spring Plenary Meeting on 5-6 April 2022, partly with personal participation in Bonn and partly online. Among other topics, the discussions included WENRA actions conducted in relation to the situation in Ukraine, activities on small modular reactors (SMR), future challenges and WENRA’s role in the Thematic Peer Review. The Plenary Meeting also approved the reports of the working groups.

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