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Recent Developments in Nuclear Safety in Hungary - October 2016.


Semi-annual safety performance assessment. National action plan reviewed. Licensing of safety and control rods’ reconstruction at Paks NPP. Diesel generator inoperable during testing due to failure of starting air reducer. Modification of construction license of the Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility. Periodic safety review of the BUTE Training Reactor. The new regulation of the radioactive waste repositories in the mirror of the WENRA’s safety reference levels of radioactive waste disposal.

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Bilateral meetings on the margin of the 60th General Conference


During the 60th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, representatives of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority initiated several bilateral meetings providing an opportunity to further strengthen international cooperation and the exchange of information.

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Official Meeting of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Hungarian Delegation on the margin of the 60th General Conference of the IAEA


The Hungarian delegation, led by Mr András Aradszki, Secretary of State for Energy Affairs in Hungary’s Ministry of National Development had a consultation with Mr Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, on the margin of the 60th General Conference of the IAEA. As member of the Hungarian delegation, Mr Gyula Fichtinger, Director General of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority also assisted the meeting.

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IAEA 60th General Conference starts on 26th of September


The General Conference is the most important IAEA event of the year where member states have a general debate on the Annual Report for 2015. Moreover, the Conference is called upon to approve the Agency’s Budget Update for 2017. During the five-day Conference a number of side events is organised which gives the opportunity to the experts from member states to share their experiences, scientific results and developments.

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Good progress in Hungary’s Post-Fukshima National Action Plan


Following the Fukushima accident in 2011, Hungary also performed the stress tests in relation to Paks Nuclear Power Plant to review its resistance against extreme hazards. The improvement actions decided upon the results were compiled to a National Action Plan that was published on the HAEA website. The EU initiated the review of the progress in the actions in 2013 and 2015 and concluded that they show a good development, moreover, good practices were identified among the solutions and offered them to the attention of other member state. In 2016, as part of the national report prepared for the triennial international review conference of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority reviewed the National Action Plan again.

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