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IAEA Board of Governors Meeting between March 5-8, 2018


The IAEA Board of Governors held its first 2018 meeting between 5-8 March with the attendance of HAEA’s representative. The IAEA Board of Governors March 2018 meeting among others discussed the Nuclear Safety Review 2018 and the Nuclear Technology Review 2018. After the discussion, both documents were accepted by the Board. Other issues, such as the nuclear verification in Iran, the application of safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the implementation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic were also discussed at the meeting.

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NEA Director-General’s visit to HAEA


On 5 March 2018, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Director-General Mr. William D. Magwood carried-out a visit at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority to have consultations with Mr Gyula Fichtinger, the Director-General of HAEA.

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6th JC National Report on HAEA’s website


The 6th National Report prepared in the framework of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management is available.

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The first meeting of the International Independent Scientific Commission for investigation of Ru-106 case


The first meeting of the international commission, initiated by the Russian Academy of Sciences with the membership of French, Swedish, Finnish, German, British, Norwegian and Russian experts, was held in Moscow, on 31 January 2018. The Commission concluded that there were no health effects for the population in the countries involved. The modelling calculations performed in different countries are consistent with each other, though there are too many uncertainties to make conclusions about the location of the Ru source. Since not only ruthenium 106, but also 103 isotopes have been measured in some countries, the hypothesis on the “medical” origin of Ru-106 (as a source for medical therapy) was excluded and the origin from fresh spent fuel was suggested.

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WENRA meeting in Budapest


WENRA’s Reactor Harmonization Working Group (RHWG) had a meeting in January 23-26 2018 at the Headquarters of the HAEA. The meeting was attended by more than 30 participants from 16 European countries and representatives of Canada, Japan were also present.

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