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Experts’ visit from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the HAEA


Between 19-22 June, 2023 a group of five experts arrived at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority to receive information about HAEA's communication activities and the practice of organizing and conducting public hearings, with special regard to experiences related to radioactive waste storage facilities, as part of a training course within the framework of a European Union project. The aim of the training provided by similar EU projects is to enable the participants to use the practices, methodologies and experiences of the EU member states learned during the training in their home countries.

During the three-day training program, the experts became familiar with the Hungarian legal framework for nuclear regulatory communication, the interdependent process of communication strategy creation and planning, the HAEA's communication activities based on various tools and channels, the organization and conduct of public hearings, with particular regard to the HAEA's previous experiences based on public hearings related to the regulatory procedures of radioactive waste storage facilities.

As part of the program, the Bosnian specialists visited the Visitor Center of PURAM, in Bátaapáti.