Under the agreement of the Hungarian Government and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Equipment Familiarization Activity took place from March 24 to March 28 2014 in Romhány. Three staff members and four surrogate inspector trainees from training cycles of the Commission participated in the five-day event.
The field test in Hungary, which included a trial high resolution survey, focused on the task of acquiring active seismic data under real field conditions and under the operational constraints of a typical On-Site inspection.
The activities included survey acquisition
planning and seismic line management, conducting of an active seismic survey.
Moreover quality check and quality assurance of the collected seismic field
records and express interpretation of collected seismic data were also
important topics of the training. After the Activity Mr Oleg Rozhkov, Director
of the On-Site Inspection Division of CTBTO expressed his appreciation
to Mr Kristóf Horváth, Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Atomic
Energy Authority for the committed and professional support of the Hungarian
The exercise in Hungary was a part of a series to prepare the upcoming Integrated Field Exercise 2014 of the Commission.