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WENRA Spring Plenary Meeting in Budapest

WENRA Meeting

In the 20th year of the association the 2019 spring plenary meeting of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) was organized by the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority in Budapest. About 60 participants from 25 countries attended the event. During the plenary meeting, the participants discussed and adopted the new strategic objectives of WENRA and the new Terms of Reference of the association.

A detailed discussions took place about the activities within the working groups of the WENRA and decision were taken in issues requested by the heads of the working groups. The interfaces in the work of different working groups dealing with the Europen safety reference levels (SRL) were on the agenda as well. On the basis of the Report prepared by the Task Force elaborating the interface between the safety and security further tasks were decided in this field as well. These will be executed in co-operation with a newly established ENSRA (European Nuclear Security Regulatory Association) working group.

There were invited two external experts to make presentations on the plenum. The professor of the Stuttgart University presented an EU financed R&D project  on a planned supercritical CO2 heat removal system. The other presenter was the representative of the Clearing House, of the EU organisation, evaluating from the safety point of view the occurrences within the nuclear power plants. The Belorussian delegation participating as an observer informed about the results of their stress test. In connection with the ESPOO Convention, participants talked about the Environmental Impact Assessment for Lifetime Extensions.

At the end of the meeting, the delegates specified the main topics of the WENRA Fall Plenary Meeting 2019, which will take place this autumn in Basel.