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Training Course on Integrated Approach for Inspection at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority


The training course organized by the IAEA and the HAEA and held at the HAEA headquarters in Budapest between 30 June and 4 July 2014 was attended by 22 participants from 14 countries.

International experts Jukka Kupila (Finland) and Willem Van Doesburg (Switzerland) as well as IAEA Technical Officer Jean-René Jubin gave presentations about various topics.  

The Purpose of the course was to introduce and promote an integrated approach for inspection (IAI), based on the integrated risk informed decision making (IRIDM) approach as documented in INSAG-25, using all information available in an integrated manner to improve regulatory inspections. Every day after the presentations of the international experts participants had to do exercises in groups to improve their practical knowledge about the topic of the day.

At the end of the course participants received certificates and thanked Mr László Juhász from HAEA for the high quality support of the Hungarian organizers.