In the last meeting of the Belgian Presidency, on 19 June 2024, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority took over the chairmanship of the EU Council's preparatory body on atomic questions. The priorities of the Hungarian Presidency's six-month programme will be the situation of nuclear safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine, security of nuclear fuel supply, international initiatives on small modular reactors, and highlighting the Hungarian achievements in nuclear forensics, which are outstanding at international level. From now on, HAEA will be responsible for preparing the meetings of the working group for six months and chairing the meetings, which will also be an opportunity to give greater priority to issues of importance to Hungary.
Bart de Wit, policy advisor to the Belgian Ministry of Economy (FOD Economie) and outgoing chair of the working group, thanked the representatives of the Member States for their constructive work over the past six months. During the semester, the negotiations on the amendment of the regulation on EURATOM safeguards were successfully concluded. The revised regulation meets today's challenges and the emergence of new types of technologies (e.g. small modular reactors, deep geological disposal of high level radioactive waste).
In the meeting, Mr. Béla András Balczó, Chief of Cabinet of HAEA, expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by the Belgian Presidency, highlighting the conclusion of the EURATOM safeguards regulation and the adoption of the Council conclusions on medical isotope supply.