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The uppermost level legal regulations for safety of the peaceful use of atomic energy are established in Act CXVI of 1996 on atomic energy (hereinafter referred to as Act). The scope of the use of atomic energy includes activities associated with nuclear and other radioactive materials, and activities associated with facilities and equipment generating ionising radiation and serving for the application of nuclear and other radioactive materials.

The amendments to the Act entered into force on January 1, 2016 transferred the radiation health and radiation protection related competence and tasks to the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (hereinafter referred to as HAEA). Nevertheless, the protection of individuals (patients) subjected to ionising radiation during the provision of medical services remained under the competence of the Ministry of Human Capacities.

The requirements for the protection against ionising radiation are established in the Govt. decree on 487/2015. (XII. 30.) on the protection against ionizing radiation and the corresponding licensing, notification and inspection system (hereinafter referred to as Radiation Protection decree).

License shall be obtained from the HAEA, inter alia, for the following activities:
-        the application of radioactive material,
-        the operation of devices generating ionising radiation without incorporating radioactive material,
-        the manufacturing of devices generating ionising radiation and its placing on the market,
-        the radiation protection qualification of personal protective equipment against ionising radiation for placing it on the market,
-        production of the consumer product, its placement on the market,
-        the exemption of the type of equipment generating ionising radiation without incorporating radioactive material.

Guidance on the preparation and submission of license applications, and on the compliance with the requirements is provided in the relevant regulatory guidelines.

Regulatory guidelines
The HAEA developed recommendations on the method how the requirements of the Radiation Protection decree should be complied with. These recommendations are published in the form of regulatory guidelines; the effective and draft regulatory guidelines are accessible in this website. The recommendations of the guidelines are voluntarily implemented by the licensees; the guidelines do not contain obligatory norms. Based on Subsection 2 of Section 51 of the Radiation Protection decree, if the user of atomic energy submits its license application according to the guidelines, and if the user of atomic energy performs its radiation protection related activities according to the guidelines, then the HAEA accepts the selected method as suitable to meet the radiation protection requirements, and the adequacy of the applied method shall not be assessed by the HAEA.

Administrative service fees
Ministerial decree 4/2016. (III.5.) NFM on the administrative service fees to be paid for certain public administration procedures and services of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority determines the fees to be paid for the fee-based licensing procedures of the HAEA.

Contact details of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
Address: Hungary, Budapest, District III, Fényes Adolf street 4.
Mailing address: H-1539 Budapest, P.O. Box 676
E-mail: haea (at) haea (dot) gov (dot) hu
Phone:+36-1-436-4800, Fax: +36-1-436-4843